Next Episode: #23: Women We Admire

Sarah Walker Caron is the mother of a survivor of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. She joins us and shares her experiences from that day, and in the years after. You also hear from Gretchen's daughters - one who was in 1st grade when Sandy Hook happened, and one who is in 2nd grade now, the same age that Sarah's son was when Sandy Hook happened - about lockdown drills.  (Heads up, this one is definitely a heavy subject.)

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Mentioned on the podcast


Sandy Hook School Shootings

My son survived Sandy Hook. I want to tell him it won’t happen again, but I can’t.

School starts at new building for Sandy Hook kids

Sandy Hook Elementary School design finds safety, security in openness

PD: Man arrested for making threat at Sandy Hook Elementary School

Sandy Hook Elementary Students Return Day After Bomb Threat

Parkland Student Emma González Opens Up About Her Fight for Gun Control

Diane Alston's Twitter thread on 'remember, they are teenagers.'

Pennsylvania church plans a ceremony with AR-15 rifles — and a local school is getting students out of the way

Police: Ellsworth student who made threat had access to weapons

Oregon passes gun control bill aimed at domestic abusers

Ex-Maine police officers claim law enforcement failed in its duty to confiscate Lake’s guns

Kate Braestrup on The Moth: The Blessing

We’re used to experiencing mass shootings online. But Parkland brought us into the classroom.

March for Our Lives

The Briar Patch's teacher portrait project: "We are already armed."


Our Favorite Things

Kelley: Harvard Injury Control Research Center

Americans Widely Support Tighter Regulations on Gun Sales

Gretchen: Everytown for Gun Safety

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

Giffords Courage to Fight Gun Violence

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

Sandy Hook Promise


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