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🏠  It All Starts at the Foundation

Ever built a house? Well - probably most of us would say no, but we've all probably lived in a house - and what's under your feet? A foundation. Now - how good that foundation depends on who laid it. A sandy foundation is going to lead to future cracks and a headache in repairs. A strong foundation could have that house standing for a century. 

It depends on the foundation. The foundation is everything when it comes to building a strong house that'll stand the test of time and weather.

Your marketing? No different. 

I can nearly guarantee that when someone runs to the group and says "Marketing on Instagram doesn't work!" that it actually does, but this person is missing some of their foundation. 

You may have tried something, but you didn't try everything. How do I speak so confidently? Because I'm able to monitor a group of 36,000 bakers makin' what you just said doesn't work, work. 

And that is awesome news. Why? Because that means you can make it work - you just need to spend a little time repairing your foundation.  

1️⃣ Get on Facebook and Instagram.

😭 "Yeah, Heather, but I don't use Instagram." 

Okay cool - then acknowledge you're leaving leads on the table over on Instagram. Why? Because a lot of people are making sales on Instagram. So it works. And whether you choose to use it or not is up to you - but as such, not using it means you don't want Instagram leads. 

There's your leads. 

2️⃣ Join Local Community Groups or NextDoor Neighborhoods.

😭 "But my local groups don't allow sales posts." 

Cool. Then figure out how to sell without selling. Add enough value to this group that people stalk your group profile and see that, guess what, you sell baked goods. And if you sell baked goods that are half as good as that play-by-play you gave of that over-crowded pumpkin patch, people will order from you.

There's your leads. 

3️⃣ Create an Email List.

😭 "But I don't have an email list." 

Yeah, you do - everyone you've ever sold anything to. Gather their emails. Put them in a list, and make a free Mailchimp account. Then get to sendin' because goodness knows emails convert, and even more, goodness knows a warm lead is a great lead. 

There's your leads. 

4️⃣ Utilize a GMB / GBP Listing.

😭 "But I don't know how."

Join the Cookie College for a month. I'll teach you how. And then you'll start seeing more cold audience leads (people who haven't ordered from you before). Can't join the College yet? Just Google "how to create a GBP" and get to gettin'.

There's your leads.

5️⃣ Get a Website.

Websites convert more leads. 

😭  "But I don't have a website, and I get leads." 

Yeah - but could you imagine how many more leads you could get? Websites provide buyer confidence. Nothing screams "you're safe here" like amazing product photography, a return policy easy to find, product descriptions that answer questions, and a beautiful baker bio that makes you seem like a bestie to each client who reads it. Get a website. Get a website optimized. Get a website with great photography. Get a website with e-comm integration. Get a website that sells why you sleep. 

There's your leads. 

Getting the foundations dialed in will result in more leads, better leads, and higher margins = which all added up together means a better business. Stop falling into marketing fad traps until you get that foundation built and those cracks filled. With the right foundation, your bakery buildin' will stand for years to come.