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πŸ‘ Rule of thumb - two clicks to purchase. πŸ‘Ž

You see - when someone clicks to your website, they're, on average, about one or two additional πŸ–± mouse clicks away from quitting the entire buying process out of frustration. In our distracted world, there's a lot fighting for the eyes and ears of our audience - and we need to get them from "interested" to "invoiced" in the shortest amount of time possible.

The more clicks we separate our clients from separating from their money, the higher the odds that they'll fall out of our funnel. πŸ‘£ Each step we add into our purchase process increases our funnel. The more funnel steps, the more people we're losing - and we may not even know it.Β 

Imagine if you went to purchase a cookie-cutter.Β 

1️⃣ You go to the website only to read that if you want that cookie cutter, you'll need to go to a second website.Β 2️⃣ Okaaay, you click over. Except that specific cookie cutter is actually a collab cutter and you'll need to order it from a third website.Β 3️⃣  When you get to the third website, you see that on the product listing, it's sold out, but you can sign up for an email to get notified when it will be restocked.Β 4️⃣ You begrudgingly hand over your email digits only to get a form error andΒ 5️⃣ a pop-up saying that you'll need to email the website owner to be manually added, except when you send that email -Β 6️⃣ you get a mailer-daemon response from GMAIL that the email address hasn't been correctly configured.

❌ You tell me - at what point would you have given up on the cookie-cutter?

3️⃣ If you're like most humans, it would have been when you needed to click to the third website. You wouldn't have clicked at all, but rather returned to Etsy to find a similar cutter from a seller who is more reliable. And that's because the funnel was simply way too long.

How about your business? Where do you have phantom funnels growing slowly and secretly eating at your bottom line? 🀳 A great way to identify funnel faux pas is by getting a self-proclaim tech-illiterate friend or relative to attempt to buy from you. πŸ‘€ Watch their every move (and try not to show your frustration) as they click here, there, and yonder further and further from your "buy now" button.Β 

Then optimize your funnel. Delete, reword, tweak, and move around - whatever it is that is throwin' your audience - help make it REALLY clear and REALLY easy to click any button that ends with dollars in your pocket.Β 

🚫 So long, long funnels! 🚫

Got any more ideas to add to this list? Feel free to start a thread in the Sugar Cookie Marketing (Group).Β