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WHOA, guys - this isn't our best work, but I'll be darned - it's finally on time. It's the weekly Sugar Cookie Marketing Facebook Group Podcast, and it's just okay! LoL.

Here's what we're covering this week:

Intro Business of Baking - Red Bottoms Marketing Minutes - SouthWorst RefundsThe Course - Live StagingVoicemails / Texts / Emails (571) 556-5644Group Stuff - Upcoming Lives and such.SponsorsMailbag

In the Business of Baking, CORRIE IS THE BEST TWIN IN THE WORLD. Anyways - she texted me (Heather) this past weekend to not ask questions, get in the car, tell no one, and dress up - pretty positive she was going to murder me, but was also lookin' out for the photo the news would post of the body. ANYWAYS - what actually happened was tons better.

In the Marketing Minutes, I (Heather) recapped the story about SouthWorst bumping me from the flight I paid for a month prior and still taking my luggage and making me pay for that ticket and the rebooked flight. They did offer me 20% off the rebook though which is not ideal since at this point, I wanted nothing to do with that airline. None of this is true, but it's how you sound when you don't refund a client for your mistakes. 

We'll be launching the SCM Course in August (you can pre-register for the sign-up email here). Corrie filmed an entire set stage from concept to Eddie to staged photo to edit. It's a good'n.

In Voicemails, we talk about domain names, photoshoots (real or really professional?), and a group member absolutely nailing her move because her cookie business has her back!

Call / Text: (571) 556-5644Email: hello@sugarcookiemarketing[dot]com

In Group Stuff, we have a few fun things coming up:

Intro to PicPlayPost Video Editor App with Belinda CooleyHow to Use Trello to Organize Your Orders with Marisela AlvaroBusiness Entity Structure and Income Tax with Jay LeeWhat It’s Like Selling $3,000 worth of Product at a Pop Up with Nicole Stolfa

Our Podcast Sponsors are Eddie the Printer and BaketyBakes where you can get a group special of 10% off meringue powder with promo code TWINS -

And the Mailbag! We got mail finally that isn't from the IRS! Thanks tons to these awesome group members - made our day (and week, and probably month).

Emory Gibbs from Gibb Me CookiesKate Galgan Total Happiness CookiesSam from Sam’s Cookie University