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It's the Sugar Cookie Marketing Group twins, and I'm mixing things up a bit. Here are 10 things you never knew about Corrie, that you probably didn't wanna know anyway, but now you know.

Here's what we're covering this week:

Intro (10 questions with Corrie)Marketing Minutes - Moisturizer and MarketingThe Business of Baking - ReviiiieeewsVoicemails / Texts / Emails (571) 556-5644)Group Stuff - Upcoming Lives and such.Twinterests - things I'm into that I think you should know about.Sponsors

In The Marketing Minutes, Corrie talks about moisturizer and marketing - no, that wasn't a typo, and yes, Corrie has the feet of newborns. Marketing takes TIME, much like skincare. You don't put on a mask overnight and expect a miracle by morning (I mean, I do, but I've always been left wildly disappointed). 

In The Business of Baking, we cover reviews. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the "you shouldn't take it personally." How to handle bad reviews when you DEFINITELY will get them. Remember - the truly most effective way to combat bad reviews is to get more good reviews. So ask for them.

Next, in Voicemails, scheduling stories - also, what should you post? If we don't take custom orders, how do we make money with cookies? Are we broke? How to join a mom group if you're not a mom (but are a snake mom)?

Call / Text: (571) 556-5644Email: hello@sugarcookiemarketing[dot]com

Finally - Group stuff. We had an AWESOME live last week ME. And no one watched, but I did reveal the secret to happiness, the coordinates of the fountain of youth, and the stock picks from my boyfriend, William Gates. SO - you missed out. But Courtney's kid didn't.

How to Create, Build, and Grow a Cookie Business Newsletter with Jennifer Groh 6th, 20217:00PMPorch Pop-ups for Rural Communities and Small Towns by Jes Clapper 13th, 20217:00PMInstagram Marketing with Kourtney of Bakery Tee Co 20th, 20217:00PM

And lastly - whatever I find interesting (twinteresting - come on people, that's a perfect pun).

Corrie: Baby feet.Heather: Using a DSLR as a web cam for digital classes (and Zoom meetings). More on that later.