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Hey, Hi, Hello, and Heyo from the Sugar Cookie Marketing Group. In the "SCM" group, we cover everything marketing-related as it pertains to baking and selling because marketing is a universal language we can apply to anything - and here we're applying it to COOKIES.

Here's what we're covering this week:

IntroMarketing Minutes - Follow Trains - All Aboard or Last Stop.The Business of Baking - Astroturfing Posts (breakdown)Voicemails / Texts / Emails (571) 556-5644)Group Stuff - Upcoming Lives and such.Twinterests - things I'm into that I think you should know about.

In The Marketing Minutes, Corrie puts the railroad crossing signs down on Follow Trains. Follow trains make sense, but do they make strategic sense? Is sacrificing reach for a vanity metric like Followers worth it? If you've already been involved in the follow train fambam, can you fix it? Listen - it's your business, your way. We're just making sure you have the facts you need to be the conductor of your own marketing (running out of train puns).

In The Business of Baking, Corrie tells us how she sold 60 orders in 1 hours that fit her schedule and respected her boundaries. How she turned no's into yes's and she'll give us the very copy she used to do it all.

Next, in Voicemails, is selling on your personal page tacky? What's our favorite soda and the beginning to Corrie's autobiography (apparently). 

Call / Text: (571) 556-5644Email: hello@sugarcookiemarketing[dot]com

Finally - Group stuff. We had an AWESOME live last week with Gina Burke on pre-sales and we have some cool lives coming up. Also - we'll be starting the 3x3x3 challenge in May again!

How to Create, Build, and Grow a Cookie Business Newsletter with Jennifer Groh 6th, 20217:00PMPorch Pop-ups for Rural Communities and Small Towns by Jes Clapper 13th, 20217:00PMInstagram Marketing with Kourtney of Bakery Tee Co 20th, 20217:00PM

And lastly - whatever I find interesting (twinteresting - come on people, that's a perfect pun).

Corrie: Swamp humidity be darned.Heather: Popls (