In this episode we're going to tackle 10b5-1 Plans, plus Operation Warp Speed, and Ira Judelson shares a real life Boiler Room tragedy. 

0:30 Insider Corporate Selling 

0:44 Operation Warp Speed   

2:08 Moderna Stock     

2:31 10b5-1 Plans     

3:20 1999 Tech Crash   

3:58 80% of 10b5-1 Plans Don't Report To The Street 

4:38 Insider Trading Explanation 

5:33 Ira's Story from The Fixer - Insider Trading Case 

6:38 $5 Million Dollar Bail – One Of the Largest 

7:00  Tragic Story of One Young Man in Insider Trading Case 

12:05  2006 Countrywide Financial 

12:16  Angelo Mozilo    

14:46  Intel Stock 2017 - Flaw in Chip 

17:11   It's Going To Take A Down Market   

17:57   No One Touches The Large Corporate Executive 

21:27    2019 - 30 Total Cases - SEC