Solid sound design is instrumental to a film or television programme’s success. A sound designer takes advantage of the huge variety of noises we hear in our everyday lives, thinking of experimental ways to create an audio environment that supports on-screen action and engages audiences.

Multi award winning sound designer and dubbing mixer John Cobban joined a small group of students and career starters to discuss his craft and career highlights spanning 25 years of crafting sound for numerous films, documentaries, dramas and animations, including Murder, Eve, Two Doors Down and latest BBC hit The Replacement.

Clips referenced:
Murder – BBC 2 / Touchpaper TV Excerpt from Ep 2 "The Lost Weekend" Directed by Paul Wright
Warriors – Saltire Film / BBC 1 Scotland. Directed by Stephen Bennett
Eve – CBBC / Leopard Drama. Excerpt from S1 Ep 4 " The Bubble Burst" - Power Station sequence
One Thousand Pictures – RFK’s Last Journey - Lichen Films Ltd

This event was hosted by journalist Stephen Bennett and is part of the Career Close-Up programme supported by Skills Development Scotland.