Next Episode: Total Sex War

The White House is on a mole hunt after a scandalous, anonymous op-ed was published in The New York Times, Obama breaks with the tradition of ex-Presidents *not* openly criticizing their successor, AND Elon Musk steps in it after smoking the weed with Joe Rogan. PLUS: Alex Jones is not handling his banishment from social media well at all, just ask Marco Rubio.

00:00 – The mole hunt is on

13:10 – Montage of right-wing media freaking out over said mole

17:10 – We speak with a real live bookie taking bets on the identity of the mole

24:30 – Bill Morgan joins us to discuss reefer-smoking loser Elon Musk

29:00 – Elon Musk gets way too high

32:45 – The boys get way too high themselves

41:00 – Obama breaks the rules

47:45 – Alex Jones is doing totally fine

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