2four describes his scotch, Nixon talks about his ongoing war with crows, and Tecmo talks about why he’s the best in his home game (again). In “Hugging The Rail”, TJ reviews the Rio. Aaron Wilt tells us about poker since Black Friday and his upcoming ebook “Learning Poker: Roadblocks To Success”, discusses his investigation into [...]

2four describes his scotch, Nixon talks about his ongoing war with crows, and Tecmo talks about why he’s the best in his home game (again). In “Hugging The Rail”, TJ reviews the Rio. Aaron Wilt tells us about poker since Black Friday and his upcoming ebook “Learning Poker: Roadblocks To Success”, discusses his investigation into QuickTender, and gives a couple of Kansas City barbecue secrets. Mitch prepares everyone for a nuclear terrorist attack.

For more on Aaron, visit his website or follow him on Twitter.

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