Tune in this week as the BCF Podcast tries something new and exciting! With the recent election here in America, we got to thinking. Which of our favorite characters could run/rule the entire planet? Who did we come up with? Well you will have to tune in to find out!

Remember to tune in LIVE! over at twitch.tv/badcoyotefunky EVERY Thursday @930PM EST for the live show! Or come back here on Friday for the full podcast uploaded!

Have a question you want answered? Tweet at us @Badcoyotefunky to hear your questions and comments answered LIVE!

Follow This Week’s Cast on Twitter!

Sergio: @BadCoyoteFunky
Greg: @BoosterGreg
Dave: @DaBeardedMenace
Casey: @TVsCasey
Chris: @nortellius
Jason: @AJazzwolf