Valerie Arioto is best known for her tremendous success as an Olympic Athlete and member of the USA Women’s Softball Team, where she won medals in four WBSC World Championships. The same work ethic and contagious positivity that helped her win on the field also led her to start The Integrated Vault, an online community for women. Here, Valerie works with other high performing women on creating balance, boundaries, and even more badassery in their lives. This week, tune in as Valerie and I talk about strength in asking for help, journaling, and letting go of unrealistic expectations. 

What You Will Hear in This Episode: 

Valerie created The Integrated Vault as a place to help other women with the self-care and body awareness skills she developed throughout her years as an athlete and high performer. As a perfectionist and athlete in the public eye, Valerie helps other women break through the limitations of wanting to be a certain way to please others.  It can be difficult to ask for help and we think we are superwomen, but there is strength in admitting you’re not an expert in every aspect of life.  As women, we can be suppressed, silenced, and expected to go through the motions.  Journaling is a great way to deprogram ourselves from society and get in touch with our inner core. 



 “I’m really good at asking for help, and I think that’s a good quality to have in life.”  - Valerie  “Although feedback has to be received in sports, to put other people’s opinion before my own confidence and my own clarity is doing myself a disservice.”  - Valerie “I love winning, but at some point you have to separate yourself from results and enjoy the process.” - Valerie


Valerie Arioto  

@theintegratedvault | @valeriearioto