After learning that her father was gay, Lisa Lucca spent her early teen years in a deep rebellion as she struggled to understand the dynamics of her new found LGBTQ family. Dropping out of high school to manage her boyfriend’s band, Lisa set out on a journey looking for love that resulted in deep lessons about her family, love, sexuality and her own greatness.  Lisa is author of Ashes To Ink, A memoir, and co-author of the memoir, You are Loved, with her partner Mark Mathias.  She was a Blog Her 17 Voice of the Year Honoree and her essays have been published across many mediums. Lisa’s weekly public radio show, Live True, has streamed globally since 2019.  Her 15 year career in the entertainment industry included positions at Lucas Film and in production management on a world tour with Janet Jackson.  She has been a life coach and speaker since 2004 with a focus on empowering women to live true to who they are, especially in midlife and beyond.  She and Mark live in the high desert mountains of Southern New Mexico.   

What You Will Hear in This Episode:  Lisa’s personal story.

The struggle to understand her father’s life and sexuality.

Disappointment and rejection.

Learning the power of having a best friend in your partner.

Learning what it was like to be in an LGBTQ family.

Writing her book Ashes to Ink.

Role modeling. How kids learn about love and sexuality.

How Lisa’s story informs her work as a coach.

Learning self validation.

Mindfulness and creation.


“My whole life was a search for someone to love me.”

“I watched my parents model beautiful love and friendship.”

“I’m trying to expose as important, sharing with adolescent children, especially your own, what love and sexuality is all about.”

“I made a point to not totally turn myself over to motherhood or marriage or career.”

“Learning self validation is really important.”

“I believe the one single thing that is synonymous with living true is creation.”

“We all have a responsibility for our own greatness.”


Ashes to Ink

Live True with Lisa Lucca

Gendered Ageism Survey Results

Forbes article

5 Tips to own the superpower of your age

Purchase my book Not Done Yet on Amazon: 

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