Born into a science focused family, Lesley Jane Seymour struggled to fulfill the science centered future her family had in mind for her.  Through writing novels to her pet bird, her love of fashion and the escape that magazines provided her when trying to cope with the effects of her parents divorce at a young age, Lesley found her calling.   A young woman with fast paced energy and a hunger for writing and discovery, Lesley was always seeking new ventures and challenges in writing.  This pursuit eventually led her to an illustrious career in magazines from writer to editor-in-chief and innovator.   Lesley is a media entrepreneur and one of the industry’s most respected leaders.  She has served as editor-in-chief for various magazines including Redbook, Marie Claire, YM and More as well as beauty director of Glamour, executive director of Meredith’s Beauty Center of Excellence and copywriter and senior editor at Vogue.  Named number four on the Most Powerful Fashion Editors List by Forbes magazine,  Lesley has spearheaded several programs, projects, and ventures garnering awards in media, journalism, art direction, personal service and excellence.  Lesley founded Covey Club, a meeting place for lifelong learners, in response to her loyal fan’s yearning for a place where women could come together to support and empower one another in business and personal growth. She is the author of two books: On the Edge, 100 Years of Vogue and I Wish My Parents Understood. Seymour has appeared on every major television show from Today, Good Morning America, MSNBC and Hardball to CNN. She is a LinkedIn influencer, contributor to the Huffington Post, and is a micro-influencer with 60,000 (un-bought) followers across social media platforms.

What You Will Hear in This Episode: 

Lesley’s love for writing and fashion at an early age.

Early work experience starting in journalism and reluctantly moving into fashion.

Transitioning through magazines while breaking the status quo.

Becoming an entrepreneur and reinventing yourself.  

Women’s magazines and the empowerment they provide.

The creation of Covey Club and Lesley’s motivation driven by women communicating, forming groups and having their say in the world.

Covey Club focus, events, groups and mission.

The danger of internalizing ageist and limiting beliefs.

Building your tribe for reinvention and accountability.

The danger of victimhood and the choices we have.

Covey Club Workshop


“Women’s magazines were very empowering when you saw what people could do.”

“When you bring women together and when you ask them to move the needle, they’ll do it, and they can do it, and it’s quite extraordinary.”

“The unfulfilled need is to have your voice heard when you’re over 40.”

“It ain’t over til I say it’s over.”

“If you want to reinvent yourself at age 55, 60 or 70, that’s your decision.  Don’t let anybody else tell you you can’t, you shouldn’t, you aren’t.”

“Find the group that will support you when you’re ready to fly who don’t have previous ideas of your  limitations or who you should be.


Covey Club

Reinvent Yourself  with Lesley Jane Seymour podcast

IG @lesleyjaneseymour

February 10th Covey Club Workshop sign up

I’m not done yet and you shouldn’t be either webinar. Jan 26 1pm EST/ 10am PST  registration link:

Not Done Yet! How Women Over 50 Regain Their Confidence and Claim Workplace Power (March 9, 2021) now available for PRE-ORDER!

The Midlife Rethink 3 part online workshop registration