We have Simon Chan, a consistency coach and best-selling author, diving deep into the importance of consistency and discipline in building a thriving network marketing business. From his journey out of the corporate world to the lessons he's learned along the way, Simon's insights are pure gold! Jennie also reveals her top five tips for cracking the top ten in direct sales companies, available on her website!

About Simon Chan:

Simon Chan is a revered figure in the network marketing realm, celebrated as both a Consistency Coach and the author of the bestselling book "The Consistency Pill." His illustrious career includes building a remarkable 7-figure network marketing business with over 200,000 downlines before retiring in 2013 to dedicate himself fully to MLM Nation. Grounded in his faith as a follower of Jesus Christ, Simon is not only a seasoned entrepreneur but also a devoted family man. As the Founder of MLM Nation, he provides top-tier network marketing training, guiding individuals since 2003 to expand their reach and foster duplication.

Driven by his transformative encounter with "The Purpose Driven Life," Simon is on a mission to positively impact as many lives as possible through network marketing. He firmly believes that everyone has the potential to earn a part-time income in this field and is committed to helping 1,000 network marketers achieve at least $1,000 a month within the next 12 months, embodying his vision for widespread empowerment and financial success.

In this episode, Jennie and Simon discuss some key topics:

Hear Simon Chan's journey from a corporate job to network marketing and his purpose of positively impacting lives Find out how a mentor's tough love and guidance can help turn a struggling network marketing business aroundLearn how to create a routine and block out time for essential tasks to achieve consistencyDiscover the seven components of Simon Chan's consistency system from his book, The Consistency Pill

Key Takeaways:

Prioritizing Essential Tasks

To maintain consistency in direct selling, experts recommend creating a checklist of non-negotiable daily activities, such as social media engagement, meeting new people, and inviting them to explore your business opportunity. Blocking out time for these essential tasks and establishing a routine is crucial for success.

Consistency through Example

Consistent leadership is created by setting an example through actions, not just words.  Jennie Bellinger's inspiring story of having a baby while running a successful business showcases the dedication and passion required for success.

The Consistency Pill

Simon Chan's book, The Consistency Pill, outlines seven components of his consistency system for achieving goals. He offers a free cheat sheet summarizing the system.

"If you go fast, the team goes fast. If you slow down, the team will slow down. If you stop, the train will stop. If you go backward, your business goes backward. If you derail, then your whole business is gone. So you got to set the example so that's how you create a consistency.” 

–Simon Chan


A cheat sheet to help you stay consistent!

Link: https://go.mlmnation.com/the-consistency-system-cheat-sheet


LinkedIn URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonwchan/


Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/

Email:  [email protected]

Facebook personal page: https://facebook.com/jbellingerPL

Facebook podcast page: http://facebook.com/BadassDirectSalesMastery

Facebook group for Badass Crew: https://facebook.com/groups/BadassDirectSalesMoms

Instagram: https://instagram.com/BadassDirectSalesMastery

Personal Instagram: https://instagram.com/jenniebellinger

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/BadassDirectSalesMastery

Show Notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez

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