About Megan Robinson: Megan is the principal at E Leader Experience and works with individuals and teams to develop self-leadership skills that grow companies. She started her career in marketing climbing her way through the corporate ladder at advertising agencies and fortune 500 companies. Like many of us, she caught the entrepreneur bug and started her own marketing company. After yet another “Business Therapy” session, Megan discovered her true passion was in coaching and is a John Maxwell certified coach and DiSC Trainer. In addition, she is the Past President of ATDChi the leading learning and development organization in Chicagoland. Inspired by her own successful career in corporate and entrepreneurial environments, Megan makes leadership approachable for everyone, regardless of title, position, or experience.

In this episode, Jennie and Megan discuss:

Leadership is influence. How can you build your influence?Setting boundaries

Key Takeaways:

A leader without a follower is just a guy out for a walk – you have to take the lead and see who's willing to follow you and if those around you are willing to do the same.Great leadership starts with self-leadership. Have a clear vision and be intentional with your actions because you can’t lead yourself if you don’t know where you’re going.Setting boundaries is about letting someone know what you need in a clear, direct way. It's not about controlling, it's holding them accountable.

“Servant leadership is often how people show up with their clients – like you have to serve the client, you give up your own hours, and you let your boundaries get crossed. That's what went wrong with your leadership.” – Megan Robinson


Website: https://www.eleaderexperience.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tritcak/

Email: [email protected]


Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/

Email:  [email protected]

Facebook personal page: https://facebook.com/jbellingerPL

Facebook podcast page: http://facebook.com/BadassDirectSalesMastery

Facebook group for Badass Crew: https://facebook.com/groups/BadassDirectSalesMoms

Instagram: https://instagram.com/BadassDirectSalesMastery

Personal Instagram: https://instagram.com/jenniebellinger

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/BadassDirectSalesMastery

Show Notes by Podcastologist: Angelica Rayco

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.