*Today's topic is in honor of a beautiful sale we have going on for the Ceremony Starter Pack, a step by step process of how to create sacred ceremonial space for yourself at home!

Now through the 22nd you can enroll in this master class at 50% off!! Use the code in the CEREMONY50.*.

Today's episode is a replay from the Love Transmission Series. I am diving into the concept of discipline and why wanting to be MORE disciplined is actually destructive to achieving your goals.

Discipline is actually a FORCE energy. It says, "you are good when you do this thing, and you are bad when you don't do this thing. If you do this thing, you will be rewarded, but if you don't do this thing, you will be punished"

This comes from our domestication and how we are raised by our parents (if you're in the soul portal membership, you know allll about this from our book of the month- soul portal members, what's up.)

So.. the question you may be asking, "but Lauren, how do I actually GET to achieve my outcomes if I am not enforcing discipline on myself?"

Simple: Abandon Discipline... Get DEVOTED instead.

Todays video is a BIG shift and will drastically shift how you show up. This is how I went from avoiding my own business actions and health and wellness goals to actually showing up consistently and feeling empowered and confindent and HAPPY in those activities!

Now I dont discipline myself, I show up fully, ANDDD guess what.. i LOVEEE the process.

Enjoy your study on Devotion!

For everyone looking to start there ceremony study, make sure you grab the ceremony starter pack on my page