Day two for the series is magic !!! We are talking all about FREEEDOM! We all want it ! Do we know what it is, how to step into it, and what’s holding us back from actually BEING FREE? 

Todays video will take you on a journey of understanding the freedom you are calling in more deeply and how to get it! 

In this training you will learn: The source of all our TRAPPED energy... and how past abuse can continue into our own relationship with ourselves. 

-the infinity loop principle: This is from inside my heal program. If you have ever felt yourself stuck in a cycle of self sabotage, resistance and old story, this pattern and cycle is going to blow your mind with awareness (and also teach you how to break free of old suffering.) 

-The way we can break the cycle once and for all and finally step into freedom (the two steps of any and all healing process.)