*This episode is in honor of the Conscious Creator Mastermind, a 6-month mentorship container dedicated to learning the high-level strategies that will give your business the transformation of a lifetime! Check it out HERE!

In today's episode, I am interviewing Amber, a student in my Conscious Creator Mastermind.

Amber is a women's holistic health coach, herbalist, and reiki master who helps people heal their bodies and break free from the matrix to live a healthier, more natural life. She helps them feel supported, validated, and empowered to try new things!

I'm so excited to have Amber on the podcast because she has THRIVED in the mastermind. Building her IG from 700 to 22.5k followers and truly just dedicating herself to growth and transformation, I knew her story would be a beautiful addition to the pod!

Here are some of the topics we discuss:

Amber's journey to women's health coaching
Alternative medicine and healing
How unintegrated trauma impacts gut health
The challenges and benefits of healing while parenting
Natural remedies for health and healing
Growing a business in the online space
Amber's journey in the Conscious Creator Mastermind

Enjoy the episode!

Connect with Amber:

The Ultimate Gut Reset