I'm back from Peru and reflecting on my time away. I'll be recording an episode about my experience soon, but I wanted to share with you today an episode about my healing journey with plant medicine, and what it has allowed me to change in the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of my life.


Plant medicine is the concept of using Mother Earth to heal your life. I believe that using plant medicine has transformed my life entirely.


In the past four years, all of my trauma has resurfaced, been released, and removed from my identity. I have overcome mental illnesses, physical illnesses, and disconnects from spirit through my use of these sacred plants.


Through my use of plant medicine, I grew my relationship with

The Self: I have now grown internal knowing and exist in my higher self. The Creator: I now hear, feel, and see spirit in a way that I could not previous to plant medicine.
The Ego: I recognize when I am existing in my ego and now have the opportunity to work on it instead of living in it.


Before plant medicine, I did not know how to make the work that I was doing to rewire my subconscious long-lasting.


Now, plant medicine has allowed me the doorway to and the tools of what I need to rewire my mind and operate in my higher self.


Medicines have woken me up to my heart, potential, spiritual connection, and true love-centered space.


I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast! 

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