*Today's episode is in honor of a sale that is currently running for the Soul Portal Membership! Use code SOUL20 for 20% your entire subscription to the membership until FRIDAY, February 4th! The Soul Portal Membership is a place for you to come home to your highest self with trainings, ceremony work, and direct support! Join the magic today!*

Today’s episode is an open hearted dialogue around speaking your truth.

My relationship with speaking my truth has not always been good. When we talk about the blocks that we may face in the joinery of expressing ourselves to others, there are generally two things that can happen. We either don’t genuinely express ourselves truthfully, or we’re messy in the delivery of our expression. This is such a big problem because when you block the energetic frequency of your emotion from leaving the body, it gets stuck and can cause dis-ease. These conversations can be so tough, especially when your emotions are charging your words. When you bring anger, resentment, frustration, and hurt into a dialogue, you’re almost responsible for the explosion or chaos that can be caused from these conversations. It’s okay to feel these emotions, but it is so important that we do it the right way. This can also be affected by the baggage you bring to a conversation. The desire to speak and express is because the wound moving through you is being illuminated. When we are in these opportunities where we have to have a conversation around a reoccurring pattern, it is important to be aware of what you bring.

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For more: https://www.laurenoflove.com

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