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I am so excited about this episode of the show! Today on the podcast we are diving in deeply to the fundamentals and foundational elements of how to make this year the most successful year of your life.

Let me ask you, did 2021 feel challenging? did 2020 feel heavy? You'll find out why and what was happening in the last few years through the collective in this episode, don't worry. We are diving deep!

On this show we are exploring a training style conversation for starting 2022 off RIGHT. If you are like me, 2022 feels special, magical, and incredibly epic for some strange reason..... and we know that this year is going to be more amazing than ever before. So let's do it right!

In Today's episode, you'll learn: 

-How to break patterns that have been playing out for years 

-How to achieve goals that have been on your manifestation list for what feels like lifetimes.

-How to actually reach an outcome for 2022 without self sabotaging, getting stuck in resistance or facing self avoidance. 

I'll also share the three things we must believe to make 2022 the year of our miracle 

and why this year is a total chance to rewrite ANY reality of the past -whether it be related to your finances, your relationships, your self confidence or health.

More on this inside the show as well as my tips for staying accountable and keeping it high vibe all year.

You hear me talk a lot about the HEAL program inside this episode. Doors open on January 24th for the next month of the program!\


-We are on a journey to find ourselves and know who we are. Make sure you take time this year to do that.

-We must believe (listen for the three things we must believe to create miracles this year)

-Focus not just on the outcome you want, but the "feeling frequencies" - these are the emotions you are calling in related to each out come. "How would achieving this make me feel?"

-Pick a start date and go into a ceremony to make your goals list, find your feeling frequencies and set your strategies: "What are the things I can do to achieve this goal?" 

-Celebrate your past and pay gratitude to all you have accomplished so far and learned *and forgive yourself for what you haven't.

-Trust your divine process and know that no matter what happens every experience is moving you towards your inevitable success.

-Practice detachment 

-Monitor and track your process

-Honor your timeline and LOVE yourself fully. 

Follow me on Instagram: @laurenoflove

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Other Episodes You May Enjoy:

EP 229: Jealousy, Falling Off In Your Biz, Comparison, and Judgement of Self

EP 235: How to Heal Addiction

EP 237: My Recent Breakthroughs On My Healing Journey