*This episode is in honor of a special deal we have running for the Soul Portal Membership. Be a part of the first 22 to join and get 20% off using the code MEMBERSHIP20! There's also another fun surprise you can check out on my Instagram @laurenoflove!*

Today, you are listening to a replay from a live I did in my community Facebook group on the topic of taking pause in your business to heal.

I took two years off from my business when I was hitting $700,000 a month. I left it all on the table because I needed to do my own healing.

Why do we want to heal? We want a happier life, to feel good, to be whole and complete, embodied, abundant. Sometimes we create these superficial expectations that we believe will get us there. We think we will be healed by making a lot of money and being successful, or losing x amount of pounds. But what we are missing is that the way to these achievements is within and taking pause to look at what we are carrying and the blocks that are in our way. The doorway to perceiving is within you through your healing.

Abundance is our birthright. The ability to be successful is something we all have within us. During our human experience, the paths to success can become dysfunctional. This happens by having experiences that diminish our channel to receive by us not being able to process them.

My healing journey started in 2014 on Cathedral Rock. I took that experience home with me and I realized I wasn’t living the life I truly wanted to live. I began to ask myself, “What would the life that I really want to live look like?” I had thus new awareness that I could create anything I wanted. When you’re birthing something into the world it is a very spiritual process. It is going to bring up wounds, sorties and shadows. It’s there to challenge you and show you what’s going on. For many of us, we can often have signs of depression or dysfunction in the body because that person or soul is not tending to themselves, they are experiencing an awakening, waking us up to lack of boundaries, and the shadows and ego that need to be tended to.

Be gentle with yourself if you are taking a break and use that time wisely. Actually do the work and make the changes you need to love yourself for YOU. Not for the money, the likes, the programs.

I want everybody to get to where you live life for yourself and your happiness. I had to get to the belief of knowing I was supported, I deserved time for myself, and that who I was is so beyond the milestones and numbers I hit. Those things don’t matter.

Join the Sacred Success Creators Community and catch my lives as they are happening! 

Follow me on Instagram: @laurenoflove

For more: https://www.laurenoflove.com

Other Episodes You May Enjoy:

EP 229: Jealousy, Falling Off In Your Biz, Comparison, and Judgement of Self

EP 237: My Recent Breakthroughs On My Healing Journey

EP240: Healing your Relationship with Success