Today, I'm sharing the audio from another Facebook Live video I did last week. I shared some really important lessons on building a strong relationship with success and calling and receving success into your life.

I dive into what it means to create success, the obstacles that keep us from success, and how to work through them. I share some important lessons on how to heal your relationship with failure, how to define success in your own terms, how to deal with the negative self-talk, and outdated belief systems keeping you from reaching that goal. We are diving into conversation, an open prayer, an open opportunity to really master our knowledge of this thing we really want in our lives. All of us want success, but in order to call that in we need to understand it, we need to be in the right relationship with it, and we need to have effective strategies for calling it in. We must work through our obstacles and use them to change our perspective, rather than hinder us from growth.

Creating success is a deep study. We are continuously deepening our study with many energies in our life including our relationships with love, wealth, success, freedom, happiness, etc. It is really important as we cultivate and master a really clear, direct, energetic channel to what we want, that we learn how to do that well!

Many of us, when healing relationships with these energies, have a self-bullying voice that may represent our mothers or fathers, or maybe a version of ourselves that feels really low vibration. Whatever form this voice takes, it is plaguing us with these thoughts of “you can’t create success” and “nobody’s going to buy your stuff anyway” and “who are you to do that”. Building a strong, deep relationship with success, channeling it and receiving it, and calling it into your life is not just about being clear in your relationship with that energy, but also navigating what that voice is, where it comes from and how it is showing up, what it is saying and learning how to transmute that energy as quickly as possible.

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