BUT FIRST: This topic is in honor of my free five day series: MAKE HEALING A REALITY which is now open for enrollment!

Make Healing a Reality is a free five day series that teaches you how to master your mindset and remove all the limitations that are holding you back from achieving your dreams.

Whether you are trying to master your body, your business, your bank account, or your self confidence, this training series is going to be POWERFUL for you!

Sign up here!


In this episode, I dive into the inner workings of trauma. Specifically,  the power it has on us, what it means, and how it shows up in our lives.

Today, I am diving into the inner workings of trauma. Specifically, the power it has on us, what it means, and how it shows up in our lives. I have noticed that many of you coming into 5 day challenge have awareness around the fact that you aren't showing up fully in your business due to feelings of unworthiness.

Many of you probably relate to these mindsets of:

"I'm unworthy to receive income."


"I can't be myself."

These mindsets are ways that we develop patterns of avoidance and self-sabotage due to our worry of not being good enough. For me, I realized that these patterns were not a product of my business, but of the traumas I have held since my childhood.

Our traumas are the gateway to personal transformation that allows us to become the fierce successful woman that has achieved it all, but we are not fully awakened because of the trauma patterns that we have internalized from our traumatic experiences. There are two parts of a woman with these patterns; one really wants to be successful and knows her power, while the other is fearful and scared, plays out thoughts of not being good enough, and talks badly to themselves.

To fully become that woman who knows her power, we must acknowledge we have been through a lot in our lives. Take a minute to think, "What does that mean?" and "How does that feel to know what it means?"

As creators of our destiny, we must believe in worth, what we are calling in and that it is possible for us. We reconnect our confidence of safety, power, and certainty.

Other topics discussed:

Types of trauma and their effects
Learning how to work with spirit to transmute it
Rewriting confidence 
Traumas of the inner child and how they stick
Questions to ask yourself to understand your traumas 

Get on the waitlist for HEAL. HERE.

Join the FREE 5 day challenge that starts on June 14th, HERE.

Another Episode You May Enjoy:

EP 211: The Secrets to Achieving Everything You Want in Life

EP 225: How I Healed My Life

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