*This series is in honor of a new signature program Wild Wealthy Feminine. Doors open on August 29th. Learn about it here!

Omg is it day five already? This has been such a magical experience! Showing up to support you has been my deepest honor!

So many of you have been telling me that your feeling called to the Wild Wealthy Feminine Program after this study, and I could not be more excited about that!

*Doors open on Monday, August 29 and will only be open for five days.

Healing your relationship with business and money is the FOUNDATION of this program.. When we embody our connection to spirit, heal our relationship with ourselves, and rewire our dynamic between business and money - EVERYTHING about the game of business changes.

So, let's talk about day Five shall we?

Day five is really special! In day five we are exploring a Q&A and im answering all of your questions around business, money and personal freedom.

Some questions we explored in this Q&A

-How to balance the masculine and feminine energy in your business.

-How to come into right relationship with masculine energy

-Handling unsupportive partners as you grow your business and self

-How to handle your emotional rollercoaster or mental health challenges when you're growing a business

-How to get the downloads that are the million dollar ideas