Submit your question and we’ll answer it in a future episode!

“Honey, my friend at work had a baby.  She said that he won’t sleep unless she is holding him, and he wants to eat all the time.  I feel so bad for her!  I am so glad our little guy wasn’t like that.”  

“Honey, our little guy WAS like that.  You don’t remember?  He always seemed like he was unhappy unless we were holding him, and you were breastfeeding A LOT.” 

“Wow!  I must’ve forgot what it was like!  So I guess it must be normal.”  

“Honey, Dianne and Abby are talking about newborn behaviors on the podcast this week.  It’s interesting!  You should listen.  And tell your friend to listen too!  I bet it will help her feel better to know that this is all normal stuff.”  

This week on the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast, Dianne and Abby are discussing newborn behaviors, what to expect, and how that may influence your breastfeeding.  Whether you remember it very clearly, or if you forgot what it was like, you are sure to learn something from this episode.  

Thanks for all the reviews on iTunes! They really help us out. Please keep them coming!! Stay tuned because we will have another comment giveaway soon!!

Dianne can be seen at and Abby can be seen at  

Music: "Levels of Greatness" from "We Used to Paint Stars in then Sky (2012)" courtesy of Scott Holmes at Holmes