[00:02:30] Apple buys Shazam, for reasons as yet unstated… Nintendo have sold 10 million Switches in nine months… Windows’s AFD.SYS, the “Ancillary Function Driver”, was actually named when one of the team leads of the Windows network team learned they had to write a driver in kernel mode and said, “what? Another f***ing driver???”. LOL, […]

[00:02:30] Apple buys Shazam, for reasons as yet unstated… Nintendo have sold 10 million Switches in nine months… Windows’s AFD.SYS, the “Ancillary Function Driver”, was actually named when one of the team leads of the Windows network team learned they had to write a driver in kernel mode and said, “what? Another f***ing driver???”. LOL, etc… The French government is planning to ban students from using mobile phones in the country’s primary, junior and middle schools… A six-year-old makes $11 million reviewing toys on YouTube… 129 million Americans only have one option for broadband internet service in their area, which explains some things about the whole net neutrality debate… The man program no longer says “gimme gimme gimme” after midnight… Hilarious extra wrinkle to the “Uber get hacked, pay blackmailers to get the hacked data back” story: to further conceal the damage, Uber executives also made it appear as if the payout had been part of a “bug bounty”…
[00:31:50] In show 2×01 we gave our predictions for what would happen in 2017. Now, let’s look back and see how we did in our role as Cassandras. Place your bets now on who did best: Jono, Stuart, or Jeremy!

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