My conversation this week is with Chip Huber, the Associate Vice President for Student Development and Athletics at Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, MI. Chip and I met over 20 years ago and he’s been an inspiration to me as a leader and a parent. 

I want to encourage to check out Chip’s site: And consider starting something like it with your tennis, basketball, volleyball or soccer team.



Chip says, “The Center for Ethics argues the better athlete you are, your character doesn’t really develop. It typically gets worse.

Are we really helping athletes become people of character? Or do we push them so hard it compromises their character?


Chip said, “On our first trip to Zambia, we were kind of overwhelmed, but wanted to ask, ‘How do I leverage the power of sport to help meet the needs of my friends on the other side of the world?’” Is there a way your team or club can meet the needs of someone in your town, your school or even another country?



Consider these questions Chip proposes:

How do we model, even for other parents, a gentle spirit?

How do we embrace those relationships, as a fan, as a fellow parent?

Can I get outside of myself for a moment?

Can I get in my kid’s shoes?

Can I get in the ref’s shoes?

This really isn’t about this game, it’s about the future of who that athlete, that coach, that ref is going to be.