My conversation this week is with Jack Wilson. He’s a former administrator at Oakland University in Rochester Hills, MI. He’s a therapist, corporate coach and sports performance expert.

Jack is also a friend and mentor. 19 years ago, Jack helped Kelly and I with our premarital counseling. So, if there’s anything dysfunctional in our marriage, it’s only because I didn’t follow his directions well.



Jack says “A person who can master release is someone who can keep their own ego in check.”

Jack Nicklaus famously said, “If you care whether the putt goes in the hole or not, you’ll never be a good putter.” You have to care about the process. There are so many variables over which you have no control, so you do the process as well as you can.

The athlete who can focus on the process and move on has the highest potential for success.”

How do you do at letting go of mistakes and misses?

How does your young athlete do at recovering from a fumble? Missed putt? Bad shot?

How might your incorporate Jack’s four step process: Plan/ Execute/ Evaluate/ Release going forward?


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Thanks so much for listening and we’ll catch you next week!