My conversation this week is with Don Cousins. I first met Don over 20 years ago when he was a frequent guest speaker and consultant for the church I was serving in the Detroit area. 

Don is currently on the senior leadership team at Discovery Church, a church with 3 locations in the Orlando area. Don and his wife MaryAnn have 3 adult children who played high school sports right across the street from our studio here in Holland, MI.

Don’s also an NFL dad; His son Kirk is the Quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings.


Questions to Consider: 

Don told Kirk, “All you can do is your best. If your best is not good enough, your best is not good enough. Your esteem as a person cannot be measured by whether or not you are the starter. Your esteem needs to be measured by you doing your best.”

Don’s thoughts remind me of a quote from Brene Brown’s Rising Strong.

She writes, “It’s always helpful to remember that when perfectionism is driving, shame is riding shotgun. Perfectionism is not healthy striving.

It is not asking, How can I be my best self?

Instead, it’s asking, What will people think?”