In today’s episode we get to hear from my friend, Rabbi Josh Bennett.

Rabbi Bennett serves as one of the spiritual leaders of Temple Israel, Michigan. He’s been there since his ordination from the Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati, Ohio in 1994. Until 2 years ago, his son and my daughter played for the same Detroit-area soccer club.

Rabbi Josh and his wife, Meg, are parents of three athletes and have spent many years in the worlds of youth soccer and gymnastics. 

Questions to Consider:

Josh asks, “What do I want my child to become?” Have you thought about this recently? What’s your hope for your kids? What kind of person do you want them to become?


After games, Josh says, “I wait for them to talk” and “Listening is more important than speaking.” What do you think? Is there value in withholding feedback immediately following a game? What would it look like for you to listen first?


Josh talks about the importance of starting with gratitude. What are you grateful for this season? What’s going right with this team, this coach, this experience?


Josh says when we have the option to give offer a critique or offer a compliment, err on the side of blessing. If you’re at all like me, you have some recurring critiques for your kids. “Run faster. Hustle harder. Toughen up.” I’m not saying these might not be valid, but if they’re all our children hear from us, we’ll end up sending the wrong message.


Josh says that the Jewish tradition of Sabbath offers a regular rhythm for him to bless his children. Do you have one? Could you start one? Where at least once a week you tell your kids they are gift to you regardless of who they are and what they’ve done? If you don’t have one yet, put a reminder in your calendar, for the same time each week and try it. If you do, let me know how it goes.