For this episode I had an engaging conversation with Chip Asmus. Chip and his wife, Stephanie, have been married for 24 years and have 3 kids. Chip owns a staffing firm in Metro Detroit and Stephanie is the Manager of Accounting at Maserati. His oldest daughter, Molly has been playing competitive volleyball since 7th Grade. Currently she is finishing up her first year at University of Dayton where she is a Middle Blocker on the volleyball team. His middle daughter Katy, is a huge fan of Molly and her younger brother Ben. Ben is in 8th grade and his number one sport is Baseball, but also plays football and wrestles for his school teams.

When they’re not driving our kids to different events, or going to watch meets, games or matches Chip and Stephanie try to keep our focus on God, Marriage, Kids and everything else.

Questions To Consider:

Have you taken time to evaluate the costs and benefits of your current youth sports commitments? If you say “yes” to a particular opportunity with a team, are you clear about what you’re saying “no” to?

Chip says his comments at games changed when he started video recording Molly’s matches. He says, “The microphone is always open.” How would your comments from the sidelines change if you knew your they were being recorded?

Do you currently feel a sense of community with the other families on your child’s team? If so, why do you think that’s the case? If not, what is one proactive step you could take this season to increase the sense of connection among these families?