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Grab your bunsen burner, put on your lab coat and protective goggles and get ready to experiment as we kick off the show with our Top 5 movie scientists. There's real chemistry between the dads as we sort the prized physicists from the bonkers biologists.  You lucky people!

This weeks movie review is the new Netflix release Enola Holmes, starring Millie Bobby Brown and Jersey's finest, Henry Cavill. It's the youngest Holmes's turn in the spotlight as she hunts for her mother who has mysteriously disappeared whilst simultaneously ensuring the Reform Bill passes and escaping from a dastardly finishing school. Girl power all the way in this one.

The kids review this week is Baki The Grappler, another Netflix release. Although exactly whose children are watching this ultra violent, ultra stylized Japanese anime is anyone's guess. 

Thanks again for listening, and please do get in contact with us. You can usually find us annoying people on Twitter - @dads_film, on Facebook or via email at [email protected].

Until next time, we remain...

Bad Dads 

We love to hear from our listeners! By which I mean we tolerate it. If it hasn't been completely destroyed yet you can usually find us on twitter @dads_film, on Facebook Bad Dads Film Review, on email at [email protected] or on our website

Until next time, we remain...

Bad Dads