If there's one thing Hollywood loves doing it's killing us all and given the current state of our world I think we should let them. The first disaster movie, 1936's SAN FRANCISCO, was about the earthquake which ripped that city apart back in 1908 and that sort of interesting trivia is exactly the kind of thing you won't get any more of as we discuss our Top 5 Disaster movies. What you will get is incredible special effects, Gerard Butler, ham-fisted environmental messages, Roland Emmerich, dubious science, mile high tsunamis repeatedly crashing into the New York skyline and a Michael Bay movie which divides us all.
Adam McKay's movies have a habit of making an impact on us and the recently released DON'T LOOK UP with its five time Oscar winning cast and cinematography by Linus Sandgren (LA LA LAND, NO TIME TO DIE) was one we had to watch. The plot sees mulleted astrophysicist Kate Dibiasky (Jennifer Lawrence) discover a comet on a direct collision course with earth, which is where we live. You and I. Attempting to alert the world to the imminent and very real danger, Dibiasky and her professor, Dr Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio) face challenges greater than merely a President reluctant to do anything about the problem before the mid-terms. This one seems to have polarized critics, let's see what it does to the dads.
"What would you do if I sang out of tune?" yes just the opening bars of The Beatle's classic With A Little Help From My friends as belted out by gravel-throated English rocker Joe Crocker should be enough to conjure up memories of THE WONDER YEARS. We're talking about the new Disney+ reboot which centres around the Williams family in Alabama in 1968, as we experience pivotal moments in the American black civil rights movement through the eyes of 12 year old Dean (Elisha "EJ" Williams) who fell madly in love with a girl he met on the first day of school and desperately wants to avoid being embarrassed during baseball. 

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