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Wow! What a week this was for the Bad Dads.

With Dan reeling from a lack of Easter chocolate, we managed to get in a solid amount of tv viewing.

Inspired by this week's main feature, we made a list of our favourite low budget movies.

Cast your minds back a fortnight, we asked you guys to vote on this week's movie nomination. Coherence was the winner and so we obliged by watching it!

Not only will you hear what we thought, but the actual bona fide director of the movie stopped by, via LA, for a chat about the making of the movie. So a MASSIVE thank you to James Ward Byrkit!

For our kids TV entertainment we endured an episode of the latest, greatest toy commercial, PJ Masks.

We'd really, really like you guys to have seen the movie before listening this week. You can find the film here:

Enjoy and have a great weekend! 

We love to hear from our listeners! By which I mean we tolerate it. If it hasn't been completely destroyed yet you can usually find us on twitter @dads_film, on Facebook Bad Dads Film Review, on email at [email protected] or on our website

Until next time, we remain...

Bad Dads