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As an audience we are predisposed to expect our lead character will survive in the end, no matter how trying their circumstances may be so it's shocking when we witness the death of the main character in a movie. Our Top 5 discusses those films which surprised us by killing off their protagonists - needless to say spoilers follow!

This weeks film review is Sam Mendes's 2019 multiple award winner 1917. Partially inspired by stories told to the director by his grandfather, the film follows two young British soldiers attempting to deliver a message during the First World War. With a star studded cast, multiple award winning cinematographer Roger Deakins and an especially memorable visual conceit which sees the film effectively divided into two continuous shots this was sure to be a Bad Dads favourite.

Our Kids feature is Netflix's kiddie horror The Hollow. With an aesthetic inspired by the SAW movies and a plot with echoes of Canadian low budget horror Cube (minus the grisly deaths) and Lost, this was a curious show to watch and to review. Tune in to hear our thoughts.

This episode is especially memorable as Howie does the introductions this time round. How kind do we think he might be to Reegs? We're also joined by mysterious girl, Peter Andre!

You can usually find us annoying people on twitter - @dads_film, on Facebook, or reach us via email at [email protected].

Until next time, we remain...

Bad Dads 

We love to hear from our listeners! By which I mean we tolerate it. If it hasn't been completely destroyed yet you can usually find us on twitter @dads_film, on Facebook Bad Dads Film Review, on email at [email protected] or on our website

Until next time, we remain...

Bad Dads