We read Blythe Roberson's How to Date Men When You Hate Men basically because Mallory hates dudes and we want to get to the bottom of it.

Moral to the Story: Times are a changin'! You can write your own story when it comes to relationships.

Other Fun Topics Discussed:

Get to Know Us: Relationship flashbacks. What do you do when you are triggered into a relationship memory?
Wish them well even if they are assholes.
Hair Colorist Shout Out -  to Shelly Rae of Paper Hair Salon.
Everyone wanted Mallory to read this book.
Mallory can't get past the hate because of her trust issues.
Blythe might need Talkspace.
You can chart your own path when it comes to love.
Is the fairy tale real? Maybe, but it will end because love is a false construct.
Pop culture dictates the rules.
What does dating mean?
The group hang.
Is it so wrong to have phone conversations in 2019?
Hold fast to your deal breakers.
Have multiple crushes.
The 2 question rule.