Tiffany from (A)broad in Education and super special guest Thuan (check out his foodie Instagram @travel2f00d) join us to discuss being American while traveling solo.

Moral to the Story: Travel makes you different.

Other Fun Topics Discuss:

Tamu is traveling to Europe.
Tiffany has two volumes of photos from her trips.
Tamu's flight anxiety.
Group consensus: there is plenty to do to keep you distracted on flights.
Tiffany's Collage: Smoking in Amsterdam
Food tastes better in their origin countries.
Thuan Recommends: Churchill War Museum
Feeling Triggered: Tamu passes on the Heineken Museum because Wight 1 used to drink it. Tiffany suggests going to exorcise the legacy of Wight 1.
Tamu is taking a wig to change her persona in Amsterdam.
Hair changes your personality.
Tiffany suggests wearing a wig throughout the trip.
Le Paris Noir Tour.

      Travel & Race & Safety:

Don't read the comments when you Google about being black and travelling.
Being American carries more weight than blackness.
Travel in Paris.
Tales from the Camino de Santiago.
Being American can also make you feel like an outsider aside from race/ethnicity.
Passports: Concept of US passport as reparations.
Head Scratcher Question: Are all Americans colonizers?
Americans have a privilege abroad just by being American.
Is it radical to travel?