For their very first Halloween episode, Tamu and Mallory decided to watch two seemingly different, yet similar movies; 2007s Teeth and 1987s Fatal Attraction.

Moral to the Story: Maybe keep your dick inside of yourself.

Other Fun Topics Discussed:

A lot of time was devoted to determine where the teeth are located.
Vagina Dentata
Marriage masturbation fantasy.
Toby is a fuck boy.
Masturbation would have solved a lot in Teeth.
Used sheets in a cave in a big "NO".
The dog eats a peen.
What if Glenn Close's character in Fatal Attraction had vagina dentata?
Poor dog. Poor rabbit. Oh well Glenn Close.
Women are ALWAYS the unhinged ones in these movies.
Dan is also a fuck boy.
Tamu wishes she had teeth in her vagina.
Mallory would take having teeth in her vagina too far.
Mallory Googles vagina dentata.
Garfunkel & Oates'  Fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus
Mallory ruins Moana for herself.
Bad@Love unanimously voted for divorcing Michael Douglas.


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