This week we watched Discovery Channel's 2009, "The Science of Sex Appeal" documentary and learned all sorts of sexy science things. Genetics and hormones are a bitch, y'all.

Moral to the Story: Science experiments lack diversity and inclusion.

Other Fun Topics Discussed: 

It all starts with the face.
Golden Ratio is the equation of perfection
We all start out symmetrical in the womb, but factors like not eating enough kale or coughing can cause asymmetry.
Curves = health and fertility but for some stupid reason humans judge extremes as most attractive.
In nature, males are the fancy ones. Human males use objects like cars and grillz to attract women.
Men like physical attractiveness. Ladies prefer status.
Kissing is important. Men's saliva contains testosterone.
Copulance makes men go stupid. Ladies secrete this mind numbing hormone. It also smells like "butter gone off."
Science is racist. Check out Sasheer Zamata's look at Afrofuturism on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.
Mallory equates humans to dolphins and regales us with an amazing Drunk History segment about a scientific study that drugged dolphins with LSD and jerked them off to teach them to speak English.
We want to know what sex appeal looks like in the age of Tinder.


Podcast Shout Outs:

Check out A Non Mom Happy Hour and Best Forevers Podcast.