Alkistis Dimech (Scarlet Imprint) lifts the veil on her art, magic, and natal chart in conversation with Amelia, diving deep into ecstatic dance, planning by the moon, and finding beauty in a post-apocalyptic world.
Find Alkistis Dimech:
Twitter | @alkistisdimech
Instagram | @alkistis.dimech
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Find Scarlet Imprint:
Twitter | @scarletimprint
Instagram | @scarletimprint
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Alkistis Dimech (Scarlet Imprint) lifts the veil on her art, magic, and natal chart in conversation with Amelia, diving deep into ecstatic dance, planning by the moon, and finding beauty in a post-apocalyptic world.

Find Alkistis Dimech:

Twitter | @alkistisdimech

Instagram | @alkistis.dimech

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Find Scarlet Imprint:

Twitter | @scarletimprint

Instagram | @scarletimprint

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