The world is filled with broken entrepreneurs, salespeople, and professionals because they have not mastered the concepts of access and influence. When dealing with people in the business world, it is often through the relationships we foster with them that takes us to a much higher platform.

Access and influence are two great tools to use because figuring out how to access your audience can you create the kind of influence you want. Brad Costanzo interviews John Ruhlin of the Ruhlin Group who utilizes gifts to get access and influence with people.

As an expert Gift Giver, he explains to us the value of using Giftology or the art of giving gifts to our business relations as well as how we can get started on it. There is so much to gain from showing gratitude, and by gift-giving, you can get more referrals, drive more results, and ultimately grow your business.

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

What Giftology is all about
How John got Cameron Herold to refer him and open up doors for him
The art of picking the right gift and how you can make an impact with that
Using gifts to open doors, stay relevant, and keep the deal moving forward
How John built a relationship with the Cubs and other high net worth clients
The worst gifts to avoid

Free gift for you from John:

Learn more about John and get the full shownotes at

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