SEO is the ultimate marketing tool for any business. With SEO that works, you can have a powerhouse of information feeding your target audience.

Stephan Spencer, an internationally recognized SEO expert and the author of The Art Of SEO, talks about his primary business model of consulting, coaching, and personal development.

He focuses on talking about SEO and the foundational principles that are working and not working right now. Believing that it’s never too late to start doing SEO, he shares a good foundational roadmap and some effective ways to reach a wider audience.

As a special gift to listeners of Bacon Wrapped Business, Stephan is giving away 4 free books:

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

What works and what doesn't in digital marketing
Why it’s not advisable to intermingle your personal brand with your company brand
Why you shouldn’t neglect your personal brand
Stephan’s primary business model at the moment
How personal development enhances not just our lives but our businesses as well
It's never too late to start doing SEO
A good foundational roadmap for audit and optimization
Some effective ways to reach out to bloggers and influencers and get them to link to you

Learn more about Stephan and get the full shownotes at

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