Online marketing is a critical part of any product or service these days because it is the most far reaching advertisement method. Todd Brown, the creator of the E5 CAMP Method of marketing and one of the smartest marketers, tells us more about his marketing method along with what’s new in this world. Running his marketing camp where you can train to be an A-list marketer, Todd shares how you can structure a compelling marketing message that creates a demand and leads prospects to want the product before the product is even introduced. Discover a better marketing method with Todd’s fresh insights in this episode.

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

The E5 CAMP Method
Engaging prospects and presenting a marketing message
Why it's better to use strategy rather than tactics
Eugene Schwartz's levels of market sophistication
Why you should focus on your area of strength for your marketing method
Components to engineering an E5 Campaign
How to differentiate your marketing

Learn more about Todd and get the full shownotes at

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