Today's episode was recorded on the day we got the results of the Presidential election.

It seems fitting that the topic is all about freedom and capitalism with Ryan Moran, the Founder of, host of (in December) and the Founder of

Ryan Moran is an expert in building companies and brands and is teaching people to change the world and make money in the process by building a business and investing the profits.

Some Topics We Discussed Include:

Why Ryan believes capitalism was NOT represented in this episodeThe difference between free-market capitalism and crony-capitalismWhy capitalism is the single biggest force for good and abundance in the worldWhy government-sponsored social-safety-nets usually have the opposite effect and how to do it better locallyWhy minimum wage actually hurts more people than it helpsRyan's mission to own the Cleveland IndiansHow and Why he stepped out of his comfort zone and into a new level to get him closer to his goal of buying the Indians.Starting a 400 person first-event with massively influential names in business because he didn't think he could do itWhat to expect this year at

To learn more about Ryan and get the full shownotes at

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