Episode summary introduction:​ ​In this episode of Backyard Geology, Chris explores the natural phenomena of landslides. Landslides, however common, are incredible to witness and horrific if caught in one. But, how and why do they happen? Chris will answer these questions through a discussion of the impact of a fault scarp and its role in several landslides in the Wasatch Range of Utah. Find out if a landslide could happen in your backyard in this exciting episode of Backyard Geology! 

Resources mentioned in this episode: ​ 

Nichol, 2010, Journal of Geography and Regional Planning Vol. 3(6), pp. 126-141, June 2010

Host Information:​ 

Dr. Chris Spencer is a professor of geology at Queen’s University in Kingston, ON and the founder of Traveling Geologist. His research utilizes igneous petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology to understand orogenic processes and the geologic history of the Earth. He spends as much time as he can outdoors doing fieldwork, spending time with family, and exploring the natural world. As a member of the Geology Podcast Network, he promotes earth science education and enjoys sharing his passion for the Earth with others. Chris can be found on Instagram @travelinggeologist, on Twitter @travelinggeolog and on Facebook @TravelingGeologist