Previous Episode: 15. Kat Jones

Is Pokemon Go a larp? What's the difference between torturing your characters and torturing your players? Can game design help you conquer your fears - or just spread them around a little? Larpwright Jacqueline Bryk is here to pose all these questions and many more. We may answer a few of them, too.

Jay Sylvano


Double Exposure Conventions

Games on Demand

The Queer Gaymes Anthology

K. N. Granger

David Schirudan's 200-Word RPG Contest

Julia Ellingboe

Brie Sheldon

Kat Jones on Backstory

Damocles Thread


Graham Walmsley

Stacey Dellorfano, founder of ConTessa

Sugar Coated: a great documentary on Lolita fashion in America