On this episode I talked to Brennyn about the moment she realized she wanted to be an actress, why she doesn’t limit acting to just the stage and continues to explore all mediums of art, her decision to go to AMDA as opposed to other four year universities, her favorite regional show she’s ever been a part of, her audition for Eponine in Les Miserables, whether not knowing much about Les Miserables before getting cast in the show helped her to make Eponine her own, her audition for Dreamgirls and what made her want to audition for a West End show, how audiences on West End differ from audiences on Broadway, vocal tips and tricks that help her keep her voice healthy while playing parts like Eponine in Les Mis and Deena in Dreamgirls, her dream to originate a role on stage one day, why she loves teaching the up and coming stars of tomorrow, and much MORE!