In this episode I talk to Tyler Schmitt who worked as Gary Vaynerchuk's personal assistant from 2016 to 2020 and whose gone on to manage a team of 50+ as the General Manager of 137pm -one of the media brands under the VaynerX umbrella.

This is an interesting episode where we cover a lot of ground,I hope you enjoy it!

01:00 Background story of Tyler
04:10 Starting to work at vaynermedia
05:15 Getting a job with AJ Vaynerchuk
12:45 The first week after getting the job
18:05 From working with AJ to Gary’s assistant
28:05 Getting office of the CEO title
33:37 Missing his chance to become a millionaire with Veefriends
38:00 Relationship with Drock and Andy
42:20 Becoming the general manager one37pm
46:50 Lessons learned from Garyvee

Links and resources from this episode:
Tyler's Twitter:

And if you're reading this, don't be shy! Shoot me a DM on Instagram and let me know what you thought of this episode or let me know if you have any questions! My handle is @jeremyjohnmary!

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